Every kilometer counts

Make the most out of your everyday commute, earn money and points when you drive with Passenger.

Earn money every day

Carpool with Passenger everyday and earn money on your daily commute to work.

Earn points

Use Passenger as your daily navigator and earn leaf points for every kilometer you drive while commuting. Redeem your points for free car washes, fuel or other valuable services.

For a greener commute

Empty cars are one of the worlds most unused resources. You can easily contribute to the environment by carpooling with other people and using Passenger on your next drive to work.

How Passenger works

Crate drive

Start the app and tell us where you're going.
Click the Create drive button to start the navigation and earn leaf points while driving.

Navigate and earn

Start driving to your destination and receive turn by turn directions, Passenger also considers the current traffic situations and makes sure you arrive on time.
You also earn points for every kilometer you drive while using the app.

Pick up a passenger

Earn money and double your points by accepting requests from other people that are travelling in the same direction as you, no detours. Passenger will only match you with people with a similar route.

Drop of your passengers and get paid!

When you've dropped of your passengers you will instantly have your money transferred to your in app wallet and have access to your earned points. You can choose to transfer your earnings to your bank account and redeem your leaf points on valuable services such as car washes or fuel.

Carpool with
Passenger today!